GeoNet Data Centre

The GeoNet Data Centre is responsible for the capture of all geophysical data streams from field instruments or third party sources, the basic processing of raw data and the maintenance of archives.

It also provides GNS Science's Duty Response Team with real-time response capabilities, allowing rapid analysis of geological hazards information around the clock.

Data policy

All data and images are made available free of charge through the GeoNet project to facilitate research into hazards and assessment of risk. GeoNet is sponsored by the New Zealand Government through its agencies: Earthquake Commission (EQC), GNS Science, and Foundation for Research, Science & Technology (FRST). The use of data or images is subject to the following conditions:

1.Users are requested to acknowledge the GeoNet project sponsors as the source of the data or images. (Suggested text: "We acknowledge the New Zealand GeoNet project and its sponsors EQC, GNS Science and FRST, for providing data/images used in this study.")
2.The GeoNet project sponsors accept no liability for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the data or images provided.
3.The GeoNet project sponsors do not make any representation in respect of the information's accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose.


AutoDRM: this allows the user to query and extract data from the GeoNet seismic data holdings.

GPS time series: this allows the user to plot the relative motion of the sites over time and provides quality control information about the GPS data. The GPS data is available via anonymous ftp from

Landslide catalogue: this allows the user to retrieve information about significant New Zealand landslides since 1996 in CSV format.

Mailing lists: this allows the user to subscribe to GeoNet's electronic mailing lists.

Network maps: this displays the locations of GeoNet's geophysical networks.

Quake search: this allows the user to extract a file of earthquake hypocentre locations from the New Zealand region in CSV or IMS1.0 format, or to plot them as a JPG image seismicity map. The search may be qualified by date, geographic location, focal depth, magnitude and/or solution quality.

Site information: this allows the user to search GeoNet's DELTA database for further information about the geophysical network sites.

Strong motion data: this allows the user to retrieve raw strong motion data files recorded by GeoNet's real-time network of over 160 Etna instruments. Also available is the entire New Zealand collection of processed strong motion data.

Last modified: 2005 Dec 05.


The seismic station compound at Urewera (URZ).

The seismic station compound at Urewera (URZ).

The Wellington (WGTN) continuous GPS station

The Wellington (WGTN) continuous GPS station.