Latest New Zealand Earthquake Report - 2004 May 23 17:44 (NZST)

Reference Number:  2235386/G
Universal Time:  2004 May 23 05:44
NZ Standard Time:  2004 May 23 17:44
Latitude, Longitude:  39.45°S, 175.43°E
Focal Depth:  5 km
Richter Magnitude:  3.3

Within 5 km of Ohakune
10 km east of Raetihi
60 km north-east of Wanganui
210 km north of Wellington

Small magnitude, but close enough to Ohakune that it may have been felt quite sharply there.


The current earthquake (indicated by a star) is shown in the context of ten years of 'shallow' (less than 40 km) seismicity.

Did you feel this earthquake? We would appreciate it if you could fill out a GeoNet Felt Earthquake Report and let us know of your experiences.

GeoNet is core funded by the Earthquake Commission (EQC) and is being designed, installed and operated by Geological & Nuclear Sciences (GNS) on behalf of EQC and all New Zealanders.

GNS accepts no liability for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the use of the information provided. GNS does not make any representation in respect of the information's accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose.

Last modified: 2004 May 23 05:58 (UT).