Felt Reports

If you have felt an earthquake recently, we would like to know where you were and what happened. This information will help us understand how your area might respond in future earthquakes.

Your input will be used to make maps of how the intensity of shaking was distributed over the area which felt the earthquake. The questionnaire should only take a few minutes to complete:

  • Click on the Recent quakes link to see if the event is listed there; if so, click on the event and bring up the earthquake details. There will be a link to Felt Information which will take you to the questionnaire.

  • If the event is not listed in Recent quakes, return to this page and proceed to the GeoNet Earthquake Report questionnaire. Sometimes earthquakes occur where the shaking was too slight to alert our duty team, or it is possible that you have experienced something that was not an earthquake. If you report an event and we are able to establish a location, we will add the information to the Recent quakes list.

Last modified: 2004 Feb 25.


A collapsed chimney after the Edgecumbe earthquake, March 1987.

A collapsed chimney after the Edgecumbe earthquake, March 1987.